how soon can i eat popcorn?

i am 6 weeks post-op for open rny. how soon can i eat popcorn?    — Tami K. (posted on May 18, 2002)

May 18, 2002
I waited at least 6 months after i had my gastric bypass. You may want to ask your doctor.
   — Sharon T.

May 18, 2002
If your free and clear to eat and try what you want then maybe you could try it. I waited about 2 months. If you do try it be sure to just eat one piece and wait 10 minutes before you try another.
   — Min W.

May 18, 2002
Popcorn's tough on your new tummy, for sure. In my case, I could not eat popcorn for approximately 6-8 months post-op. Nowadays, at 14 months post-op, it goes down fine, but I am still careful to get it without a lot of butter/salt, etc. which is not good for my weight loss. "Bare" popcorn is a great snack!
   — Terissa R.

May 18, 2002
I tried popcorn as soon as I could start eating regular foods again. I didn't have any problems with it. I agree about the 'bare' popcorn though, it's great :) and please do take it just 'one bite at a time' until you know it will be alright for you.
   — DonnaCarol

May 19, 2002
I tried popcorn at 6 weeks and had no problem. I use the microwave lite brands and can eat about a 1/3 of the bag at a sitting. Just eat slow and chew well.
   — Cindy R.

May 19, 2002
Hey there. I also had popcorn at about 5 weeks and it was delicious. I chewed it really well and had no problems in my pouch. HOWEVER, later that night I started getting really sharp pains in my lower right abdomen that wouldn't go away. Turns out the popcorn was ok in my pouch but not in my still healing bowels. My Dr. recommended not trying it again for several months. Good Luck.
   — Leah H.

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