what is the mineral element that curbs sugar cravings? books

I know I saw the name of it somewhere awhile back but now I can't find it. Also what dosage and how do you take it, with meals, on an empty stomach...? Can I take it as needed or does it have to be continuously in my system? As long as I'm asking, what is a name/author of a good vit/mineral book for us WLS people? Thanks    — Peggy N. (posted on July 24, 2002)

July 23, 2002
Do you mean Chromium Picolonate? Dosage would depend on the strength of the particular brand. It should say on the bottle.
   — mom2jtx3

July 24, 2002
My doc has us take a supplement called 5HTP. You get it at a health food store. It stops carb craving dead in their tracks. Takes a week or so to get in your system enough to be effective, but it does work. You take the capsule before bedtime and it can be taken on an empty stomach. Good luck with your weight loss.
   — Dianne B.

July 24, 2002
I don't take any "weird" supplements ;) but I have found that I can reduce my carb/sugar cravings by eating about 100 grams of protein a day and NOT eating carbs first thing in the morning. If I start the day with carbs I will be STARVING all day and for carbs, not the good stuff. The single most effective thing I did was use a protein bar as my mid-morning snack. It really seemed to make a difference for me. I went thru a 3-month period where I was a little carb crazy and those techniques seemed to snap me out of it. Good luck!
   — ctyst

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