I am asking for a friend, who had WLS 9 months ago....

and is currently in the hospital undergoing tests for heart problems...2 growths, one each on two valves. Do you suppose that a side effect of our malabsorption (RNY) could be that our hearts, since they are a muscle, could be harmed if our nutrition is not being taken care of properly? Or do you suppose this could be partially the blame of ingesting of Phen-Fen or Redux previously in order to lose weight? Or perhaps that our immune system isn't what its supposed to be post-op? (Her doc mentioned that perhaps her autoimmune system is attacking itself, in which case, she will require radiation!) The jury is still out (doctors are still trying to figure out what's happening)...and I'm trying to gather some information for my friend as she is not part of our extensive community here and is still in the hospital. Your thoughts, please. Thank you.    — Jacque P. (posted on October 9, 2002)

October 9, 2002
It is most likely from the Phen-Fen. We see patients in office all the time who have vegetation growth on the valves from taking Phen-fen. Don't ask me why this happened, but it did. We currently evaluate them through a 2D echocardiogram for the class action lawsuit against the makers of these drugs. If it cannot be cleared with antibiotics, then it sometimes becomes necessary to replace the valves with mechanical ones. I have seen some beautiful thin young ladies who only wanted to lose 10 - 15 pounds come in with this very same problem. There are others who managed to come through this unscathed with no problems what so ever. I seriously do not believe that it is from our malabsorption and our immune system is definitely not compromised in anyway. If anything it is better from being on top of our suppliments. If anyone is in doubt about their chemistry, then see your pcp and have them run a complete set of tests.
   — Sue A.

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