How do you spend the night in a sleep lab?

How bad is it instead of just taking the machine home and sleeping with it and returning it? I would rather take the machine home but trying to coordinate a good day/time to do this along with all the other testing required is driving me nuts! I have to work for a living and can't take tons of time off to drive for an hour, pick up the machine by a certain time, drive back an hour, sleep with it, drive it back the next day, return and get to work. That said, I am considering sleeping in a lab for my study that's 10 minutes from home. Any good/bad stuff to say about sleeping in a lab? Do I really want to do that or should I just take the inconvenience of all the driving and making up some more time at work?    — Dee ,. (posted on November 21, 2002)

November 21, 2002
I had a sleep study in the lab and it was a little restricting sleeping with the wires. But it was only one night and I was very tired. You will have to sleep on your back or slightly to one side. I sleep with my CPAP everynight and LOVE the way it makes me feel in the morning.
   — Joyce H.

November 21, 2002
I spent the night in a sleep lab and it wasn't bad at all. They really went out of their way to make me as comfy as possible and the rooms look like you're in a nice hotel. The electrodes are kinda hard to get used to all over you, but not too bad. Overall, I got a decent night's sleep and felt great the next morning. Good luck!
   — thumpiez

November 21, 2002
I also sleep in a sleep lab, the room was very nice, the hard part is all the wiring you are hooked up to. I would suggest that the next day you not work since I promptly came home and sleep another 4 hrs. I no longer need the machine, but when I did it made a world of differnce on how I felt. Good Luck.
   — paulsgirl

November 21, 2002
The sleep lab actually was not that bad. The rooms were really big and private. I thought that there would be people staring at me all night but I was happy to see that that was not the case. There was even a private shower in the room which I thought was nice. I wanted to sleep in the lab to ensure that I would get the correct results. It was just fine and painless.
   — Teekay80

November 21, 2002
i thought it waas bad the sleep lab they do try to make you as comfortable as they can ut you cant sleep cant get comfy and the next day all you do is sleep. so dont plan on going to work the next day good luck.

November 21, 2002
I had no trouble sleeping at all when I went for my study. Then again, I had severe sleep apnea and could fall asleep anywhere, anytime...
   — Melissa F.

November 22, 2002
Ditto what Melissa said. I thought I'd NEVER be able to go to sle........ zzzzzzzzzz
   — vitalady

November 22, 2002
I have to admit that I enjoyed my time at the sleep clinic...I went out to dinner by myself (no husband--NO KIDS) because I didn't have to "report" in until 8:00. I found a restaurant near the sleep clinic and went out to dinner...quietly!! Then I went to the clinic, got all settled in...watched t.v. in my "room" and went to sleep. I had a good night's sleep (as well as you can have with sleep apnea anyway), got up the next morning, drove home, showered and went to work. It was actually kind of neat...but then again, I have a strange sense of humor LOL Have a Sparkling Day!! ~CAE~
   — Mustang

November 24, 2002

   — Robert B.

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