When is it safe to exercise your abs?

I am 5 weeks out from open RNY. My surgeon OK'd aerobic exercise and weight training for everything but abs. Dummy me, I forgot to ask him when I could start working on my abs. I guess I was so excited he said I could do everything else. I've heard 12 weeks. Has anyone asked their surgeon this question? I don't want to risk a hernia, but I'd like to start working on tightening up this flabby tummy.    — Michele C. (posted on January 12, 2003)

January 11, 2003
Call your surgeon's office and ask for his opinion. You can talk with is nurse or some other perosn in the office.
   — Patty_Butler

January 12, 2003
I actually wondered this myself and found out at a support group meeting. They had a quest speaker, a physical therapist from the hospital and she showed us a few exercises to do on our abs, very soon after surgery. The surgeon agreed and I felt okay about it because the woman said they are exercises they teach their new moms from c-sections to be able to work their abs. One was lying on your back, with knees bent, then push the small of your back into the floor or bed or whatever you are on. Other was sitting and putting your hands on your belly taking a deep breathe, then expelling and pulling in your stomach, which your hands should go in. She says it works the deep stomach muscle and can be done soon afterwards. Do check with your doctor or a physical therapist and they would be able to help you determine when is the right time for you though. good luck!
   — Dee ,.

January 12, 2003
Michele, I was told 12 wks also....Just haven't started working them yet :o)
   — heathercross

January 12, 2003
I started at Curves when I was about 8-9 weeks post-op. It was a mistake. I caused myself unnecessary pain - even had to go back on Lortab for a few days. I stopped the exercise and re-started at about 14 weeks and everything was okay.
   — [Deactivated Member]

January 13, 2003
My surgeon ok'd "curls" at 6-8 weeks but made me wait till after 3 months post-op to start sit-ups.
   — LLinderman

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