Has anyone had hernia repair surgery W/mesh and the same hernia returned a year later

I am three years post rny. I had hernia repair surgery a year ago with mesh above my belly button. I have been having burning and stinging pain above my belly button again. I called my nurse and she had me make an appointment with the doctor. I see him in 9 days. I was told that the hernia could have came back. If this is the case do you have any knowledge on how they may fix this problem. Also could the hernia be the problem why I have gained 20lbs in the last year. Thanks    — Melissa S. (posted on February 12, 2005)

February 12, 2005
Hi. Hernia repairs with mesh certainly have a chance of recurrence, up to 20% after a few years. My preference is to avoid the mesh whenever possible and use the patient's own tissue to reconstruct the abdomen. "Replacing like with like" is a basic plastic surgery principle, and I have no recurrences to date. Repairing the hernia (if you have one) can be done with more mesh, with internal mesh, or with the "muscle flap" technique I described. Your weigh gain would not come from a hernia.
   — DrL

February 15, 2005
I've had three hernia repairs since my wls in's a bummer...all had to cut me's a rough road after wls....think it over very mesh repair seemed to work but 7 operatrions within 24 months(plastic surgery ) included was horrible...GOOD LUCK
   — irene B.

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