Vitamins from a company called Bioslim

I'm about a month away from my surgery date and I have been reading alot about vitamins from everyone out there and I thought I'd put my two cents in just in case anyone is curious or using the same vitamins that I am, or if anyone is currently using them could please let me know if Post-Op you managed to stay with them. I've been taking vitamins that I purchase from a company called Bioslim (yeah one of those diet plans you see on tv), they are the best vitamins I have ever taken, I've been taking them for about 2 years and I feel great! I can't tell you the last time I had a cold or felt run down or anything.    — Carrie G. (posted on July 19, 1999)

July 20, 1999
I think it would help tremendously to continue taking the vitatimins that are working for you and making you feel so well. I am not an expert, but don't fix what isn't broken. Now, I have a question for you. Where can I find out about those vitamins. I would appreciate any information you can give me.
   — Debbie E.

January 3, 2000
My answer to this would you have those vitamins available in liquid you will NOT be able to take pills following surgery......chewables "yes" but solid pills no......just thought I would pass that knowledge along to you..
   — whisperskiss

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