How soon after surgery can you climb stairs?

My apartment is on the 3rd floor, how soon post-op will I be able to climb the stairs?    — Terri G. (posted on April 9, 2000)

April 9, 2000
My apartment is on the 2nd floor, but my sugeon hasn't limited me in any way. I do know that I should only do the stairs when absolutely necessary for a while, and when I do, take them very, very slowly. Also, I read where you should move one foot, then bring the other up next to it. Move one foot and bring the other up next to it, etc.
   — Paula G.

April 9, 2000
Terri, you should do just fine climbing stairs. Upon discharge, that was one thing my surgeon said I could do. I remember the night I came home from the hospital though, I took them to fast going down, and it felt like I pulled a muscle. From then on, I took it slow, and even held my stomach when I went down them. {going down seemed to "pull" climbing was O.K.} Surgery 1-11-00 down 60# Good luck! Dani
   — Dani J.

April 9, 2000
I climbed up a flight of stairs after my discharge from the hospital-had to to get into my sister's apartment!! But I must say that I was careful going up and down the steps and held onto the railing. I was more afraid of losing my balance or falling than any problem with the climbing per se. Everything in moderation is a good rule of thumb post op.
   — Fran B.

April 10, 2000
I am post op just over 25 weeks, I had an open Distal RNY; I had no limits set as to what I could physically do, "BUT" was advised to only do what I could handle! You should be fine climbing these stairs, but be careful with carrying anything... even if your purse seems light now... it may seem very heavy for the first week or so. You shouldn't lift anything, the less strain you put your incision under the less likely you'll have any issues later on with hernia's. Best of Luck!!! :-)
   — Jamie T.

April 10, 2000
Hi Terry... I too live on the 3rd floor... but I got up the stairs faster than I thought I would... Just take it at your own pace and you'll be fine... Good Luck and Take Care..
   — California J.

August 8, 2000
I live in a two story house with all bedrooms upstairs. I just had my surgery on 8/1 and came home 8/4. That first day I stayed downstairs and slept in the recliner. But the next day I climbed the stairs with no problem. I probably could have climbed the stairs on day 3 just as well i just didn't think I could get in and out of my bed. Good luck to you.
   — Patsy H.

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