How long should I wait

before calling my ins. co. They should have gotten my 2" packet of documentation material, etc and letter from my PCP today. Should I wait a week before I start pestering them? Then, should I call once a day, once a week or what? Thanks bunches.    — Lillian G. (posted on August 28, 2000)

August 28, 2000
I would give them until after the Labor Day holiday, then start making phone calls on a weekly basis. If that doesn't work, do it several times a week. Remember, insurance companies hope you will forget all this and go away. Be persistent!!! Good luck!!!
   — Paula G.

August 28, 2000
Lillian: This is a good question and I'm sure you'll get a variety of answers. For my 2 cents worth, I suggest you give them a full week. Then, call and say that you are checking on the status of your surgeon's request to perform whatever type of surgery that it is you are having. Keep a record of the names of people you talk to. Politely ask if they've received the request and when it was received. If they don't have an answer, tell them that you'd like to call back or will be calling back in about a week to check again. Always be polite and never be demanding. You will gain their respect (remember, they are simply employees) and you won't be considered a pest. Best wishes.
   — Cindy H.

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