Has anyone had WLS help their skin clear up?

Even at 35 years old, I have moderate acne -- in fact, it is worse now than when I was a teenager. I also have little bumbs on my skin, especiall on my upper arms, that are almost like ingrown hairs. On good days, they are just little red bumps, but sometimes they get infected and scab over. I have noticed this on many overweight people. My surgery is scheduled for 3/30/01 (yay!), and I was wondering if any post-ops had this problem and if WLS helped clear it up?    — lpsrabbit (posted on March 5, 2001)

March 5, 2001
Dear Leigh, I believe that right food choices and lack of oils and fat in your diet will signicantly improve skin problems. Better eating has traditionally been associated with healthier skin. Personally, my skin is WAY better since my surgery 6 months ago. I rarely get pimples and havent seen a boil in a long time. Perhaps a dermatologist can answer this question better than me. Good luck.
   — Jeannet

March 5, 2001
My skin actually became very very dry. So now I am in search of a different facial moisturizer and foundation. I also seem to have to take a bath in Nivea every day- the rest of my body is unbelievably dry. But hey, I'm not complaining!! I would rather have the dry skin and be healthy than perfect skin and be fat!! LOL Good luck!
   — Cindy K.

March 5, 2001
WEll, my skin did clear up considerably. I think it may be do to better circulation? My surgery, the BPD/DS involves a large malapsorption component so I think my system doesn't devote as much energy and blood supply to digestion? Could be other factors as well. I noticed it almost immediately. I am over 4 weeks post-op and recently got one little zit on my chin... I'll take that over the problems I had before! All the best,
   — Teresa N.

March 5, 2001
It's only been six weeks since my open RNY, but my skin and hair have become dry, which is good, because my acne has cleared up! No more zits! I think it is because I haven't had any junk food or sugar for six weeks. Losing weight helps too.
   — Kristy J.

March 5, 2001
I had all kinds of weird skin things going on and they have all cleared up post-op.
   — Lisa B.

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