Has anyone been approved after an appeal?

TriCare denied me because, I think, because I take 5mg of prednisone daily. Well, I am currently stopping the steriods and my dr is going to submit an appeal. Has anyone had any luck with appeals?    — Denise A. (posted on May 2, 2001)

May 2, 2001
I was denied at first and I sent photos with my appeal it took awhile to be approved, but the pictures did it
   — Natasha L.

May 2, 2001
I was approved after the first appeal. It took less than 24 hours after it was faxed in. Best of luck on your appeal. Donna WV
   — Donna A.

May 2, 2001
I was approved about 3 weeks after my appeal letter was sent. I wrote a detailed weight history including every "doc in the box" that I had visited in the search of weight loss. I included ages and weights for the past 15 years. I also went in depth on the medical history of my family. (Both grandmothers have high blood pressure, mom recently had knee surgery, etc) I listed all of my body aches, etc. I talked about the pyschological effects of being overweight. Even having to pay more money for plus sized clothes. I actually wrote that I thought I could save my ins. company money with this surgery. I included a pictorial history of my weight. Make sure the pictures can be easily dated (kids pictured with you as they grow older, etc). Lots of luck! Hope you get approved and headed to the other side :) !
   — Bridgette C.

May 3, 2001
Both hubby and I were approved 48 hours after our appeal letter was faxed. Good luck! Don't let the first, second, or any denial keep you from appealing until all appeals have been filed. It's my understanding each ins co has a limit on the number of appeals. After all appeals, then you can ask for a case management review by an independent ins co too. GOOD LUCK!!
   — Anika R.

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