Who has been approved after initial denial??

I was denied a basic consult w/surgeon. (Denial based on the fact that I had no "life-threatening co-morbidities). Then I wrote a four-page letter and they overturned denial Psych, internist, and surgeon all say I'm good candidate and are sending letter of medical necessity. What are my chances of getting approved?? Anything you can tell me...this waiting is doing me in!! Thanks a bunch.    — blee01 (posted on May 19, 2001)

May 20, 2001
I was also denied the inital consultation with the surgeon but they approved by surgery with 12 hours. Who can figure those insurance companies out.
   — Laura R.

May 20, 2001
I was denied my initial request for surgery, sent them a letter, denial upheld, sent them a much longer, more detailed letter, my PCP sent a letter, my surgeon sent them a second letter and the sleep disorder lab sent them my sleep study results and after starting this whole approval process the first of March, I finally won on appeal on May 2,2001. It can be done, get all of your ducks in a row and keep fighting. I KNEW I qualified, and I think they knew I knew and just denied me hoping I wouldn't fight them, as they are getting a lot of request for WLS. Best of Luck to you. Kari...
   — Karen S.

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