Is it normal to feel fullness in area of original stomach rather than new one?

I am ten weeks post-op from LAP RNY and have done extremely well with my post-op recovery. No nausea, dumping or vomiting. I have lost 48 pounds so far. The past couple of weeks however I have noticed that when I eat I start feeling full in the lower stomach area where I used to prior to surgery instead of up near the breastbone where the new stomach is. This has me a bit concerned. I asked my surgeon about this and he said that was OK but I still have this nagging doubt that something may not be right. He said as long as I was feeling full from what I did eat not to worry. Any reassurances would be helpful. Thank you.    — [Anonymous] (posted on June 23, 2001)

June 23, 2001
Looks like you and I are in a very similar situation. I am also ten weeks post-op from Lap Rny. I have lost 45 lbs so far. I have noticed the same "prior to surgery feeling of fullness" in the past few weeks. I saw my doctor this week and he says everything is right on target and I'm doing very well. I still get the tightness in my chest if I eat too fast but I too, now have that pre-op feeling of fullness after I eat and I feel you and I are very normal in our post-op progress. I hope this gives you some reassurance. I wish you continued success.
   — [Anonymous]

February 8, 2003
I had the same issue and asked my doctor. He told me that it is the nerve endings that you are feeling in that location. The same way when you have an appendix attack the pain can start in the back, we all know the appendix is in the front/side but the nerve endings can cause discomfort in different areas.
   — Wanda H.

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