Is there a link between low calcium and arthritus?

I'm two years post op (Open RNY 157 cm bypassed) and my arthritus is MUCH WORSE now and SPREADING FAST. Most people say theirs is better post op. Well mine is now in my fingers and hands and is hurting alot. (I get so sick of the pain). I think I may have an ulcer so I don't want to take ether Vioxx, Arthotec50 or Celebrex which does help the pain but eats my gut. Anyway, I've never been good at vitamins post op, and forget calcium! I found calcium citrate pills at Walmart but they are big horse pills. And if I break them in half, they are then jagged and that is'nt any good ether. So I have'nt taken calcuim post op at all. I did have a bone scan at 8 months post op, and THEN I had the "beginning" of osteroporsis! I can't image where it is now. I'm wondering if the lack of taking calcium would be causing the fast advance (and great pain) of the arthritus? Also, does anyone know where I can get the calcium citrate that is'nt in a BIG pill? Thanks.    — Danmark (posted on April 22, 2003)

April 22, 2003
Daniel, I'm gonna scold you a little here: You HAVE to take your calcium! There I said it. So here's some stuff that I have tried (all citrate of course): Twinlabs wafers (like big sweet tarts--you need to drink water with them cuz they are chalky), capsules (you can get them at Vitalady and other places around the web), liquid (I get mine from and the lemon custard and flavors are not bad), Target brand with vitamin D (still pretty big but smaller and better shaped than Citrical--I have yet to get one stuck and I don't have to break them).<p>So, you see, there are so MANY options out there that you really don't have an excuse NOT to take the calcium. Now get out there on that Internet and order you some! ;)<p>(Just a little "tough love" there since we've emailed in the past! :)
   — ctyst

April 22, 2003
Daniel, I have osteoarthritis too. Do you see a specialist for your arthritis? I would suggest that you have a consult to find out what is exactly happening with your hands. I also have carpal tunnel syndrome which also affects my arthritis. There are so many theories about how and why arthritis catches us. Sometimes a large life change can trigger it, or an emotional upset can cause it to worsen. I cannot take any medication other than Tylenol. One thing that gives me a little relief is a hot wax machine. Its a round appliance that contains melted wax. I dip my hands into it and it calms the pain down a bit. I give myself 3 - 4 treatments a day. My doc gave me a script for it and my insurance paid for it. It doesn't cure, but it helps. I don't know how much calcium affects arthritis, but I have strong dense bones and I also take calcium everyday. Good luck; I hope you feel better soon. :)
   — Judy K.

April 22, 2003
Hi Daniel, I would suggest getting another bone scan asap. That's the only way to truly know how advanced the osteoporosis has gotten in the last year since your last one. I think there is definitely a link between not taking your calcium supplements and your worsen joint pain now! Think about it... what is bone made of? Calcium! What is osteoporosis? Bone loss. Ya know? Talk to your doctor about possibly putting you on Fosamax ( This fairly new medication is especially for the treatment and prevention of osteoporosis. Don't forget, get started on that calcium citrate now! You're just doing more and more damage the longer you wait. Take care.<br> Lap-RNY 1/13/03 -100lbs & Counting! <p> P.S. Get that possible ulcer checked out too, please!
   — thumpiez

April 23, 2003
Hi Daniel, Just to let you know, there is a calcium nasal spray available by prescription only. My mother has osteoporosis and uses it daily. Sorry, but I am brain dead and can't remember the name but I am sure that your physician will. Best of Luck and God Bless.
   — Kathy C.

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