How I beat the heat in the Hospital

If you do not have a fan to bring to the hospital, asking the nurse (or a family member) to soak a few wash cloths in a basin of ice and water worked wonders for me! I cooled myself off about a thousand times during the first night there! I also found that breathing through the cold cloth seemed to hydrate my nose and mouth. Over all the cold water felt very refreshing, and actually perked me up enough to get out of bed 8 hours after surgery! I just thought I'd share my suggestion for a cooler hospital experience. I'm sure it's been mentioned before.    — missmarisa (posted on September 18, 2001)

September 18, 2001
Marisa, I actually took the thermostat cover off the wall and broke the little keeper off that they use to make sure you dont have it too cold in there. I slept like a baby. Iam sure the people in the rooms I was in will thank me if they only knew..hehehe...
   — Kathy H.

May 29, 2003
ANYTHING you can do will help! I was in for 11 days (complications with an open RNY) and it was SO hot!! Not just warm but stifling, can't breathe HOT! And of course the hospital only had one fan for the whole FLOOR. The fact that I had a constant low-grade fever did nothing to convince them that I needed it more than the next guy. A roomie's husband (thank God for him!) bought her and I a small battery-operated toy fan. It helped SO much!!
   — Angela G.

January 2, 2004
I was in the hospital for 4 days, and was having dreadful hot flashes. The hospital brought me a fan and they were able to control the temp in my room by the thermostat. I froze out all of my visitors and nurses, but it sure did help me. Don't be afraid to ask. The ice chips helped alot too.
   — Terri A.

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