Is there a 1% risk of the portioned stomach reattaching to the pouch?

I was informed that I must undergo a revision due to the pouch forming a "connection" to the by-passed portion of the stomach, similar to when fallopian tubes grow back together after a sterilization procedure. Has anyone ever heard of this. My surgeoan states a 1% risk of this occuring.    — Elaine S. (posted on August 14, 2002)

August 14, 2002
I have no idea. I have never heard of anyone having this happen, Doesn't mean it doesn't. I will be checking back to see if anyone else answers.
   — Vicki L.

August 14, 2002
I'm afraid instead of answering your question I have a question about your question! LOL Were you transected? I understood that the amount of scar tissue around the cut ends of the pouch/stomach were somewhat protective. If you are not transected do you just have a leak or has actual new tissue grown around the staple line to connect the two?
   — ctyst

August 14, 2002
My stomach was transected and my surgeon told me that there was a very small chance that a path could still form between the pouch and the old stomach alowing food to get into the old stomach. He gave the name of this but I have forgotten.
   — maryburton

August 14, 2002
My stomach was cut or transected, not just stapled off. I was just given the name of a surgeon in NYC- Dr.Mitchell s. Roslin, and I am calling fior a second opinion.I am concerned that this complication could be caused by surgeon error. I need another opinion.
   — Elaine S.

August 14, 2002
Yes, I have heard of this and I have heard Michelle Curran explaining it. It does happen albeit rarely. The two parts of the transected stomach somehow join back together.
   — Lisa N M.

August 14, 2002
This is very interesting. I had a leak in my untransected rny and had to be transected, now I am learning it could happen again? What are the symptoms of this? Do you regain weight or stop losing? I guess this is possible since the body is constantly trying to heal itself of anything and that is why men who are given a vasectomy sometimes still have surprised wives/girlfriends when they "heal" themselves....anyone who understands this please advise us. thanks!
   — Marilyn C.

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