I am going on Monday for my 1 year checkup.

Anything I should ask the surgeon? I have not been a big question asker, because I had done so much research, and he covered so much, that at all of my previous check ups I never have any questions. This time I do want to know: 1. How far am I bypassed? 2. Is my pouch horizontal? 3. Why doesn't he see patients for more than 18 months. I would think for statistic's alone, he would want to monitor long term patients. Any thing else? Sharon Hagins Jacksonville, FL = Open RNY 05/13/02 Dr. Eric Thoburn Gainesville, Fl    — Sharon H. (posted on May 16, 2003)

May 16, 2003
If he hasn't sat down and done a comparison of your blood tests from the previous tests (3 mo, 6 mo, 9 mo and 1 year), ask him to do so. That way, even tho you may still be within normal ranges for certain levels, you can see if you have gone from high normal to lo normal, which may be an indicator you need to boost something. For the bypassed question, ask him how many centimeters you are bypassed. Sometimes they tell you in feet, which is harder to figure out when everyone else is saying that they are 100 or 150 centimeters bypassed. Also, do you know if you are transected? If not, ask. Congrats on your one year anniversary!
   — Cindy R.

May 17, 2003
I guess I'm curious why you didn't ask most of these questions pre-op or at least immediately post-op. Doesn't sound like he has a good follow-up program for his patients!
   — [Deactivated Member]

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