Should I go ahead and send in the letters I have complied myself?

I went last wed to my surgeons office to have the office resubmit my paper work. The Person incharge of the program (trials of AGB) told me that yes the paper work needed to be resubmitted under a loop hole found in my policy. I asked it they would like the letter I wrote and my PCP wrote ... they said no that this was " a matter between the surgeon and the insurance." Now I hate to say but my pcp letter is brillant and my letter is pretty good too. my question is Should I go a head and send them I figure it really couldn't hurt, could it? Any and all help will be appreciated thanks Lynn    — L. A. (posted on May 5, 2001)

May 5, 2001
DEFINITELY send it in. You're right, it cannot hurt to have too much information, on the other hand, it can hurt to not have enough. I sent the letter from my pcp and myself to my insurance company and to the surgeon before I even had my first consult. I think it really helps to be prepared, even overly prepared. :-)
   — Mary B.

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