Last minutes questions?

Does anyone have any last minute suggestions for a Pre-Op who is 2 weeks from surgery date? Anything at all would be helpful...(things I should have ready at home? things to eat or not to eat a few days before surgery? list of things to bring with me to hospital?) Thanks!!!!!    — J. W. (posted on October 9, 2002)

October 9, 2002
I am 3 weeks away from surgery and diffently buy a lite weight bathrobe to take with you to hospital and have a nice last meal befor you take the bowel cleaner the night befor surgery.
   — sheri B.

October 9, 2002
hi there! congrats on your upcoming surgery. im thinking of you and hope all goes smooth. i made sure i had all my femine products ready becuase i knew there might be a chance my body would wack out and id get my period again and sure enough i was right so if this happens to you dont worry its totally normal. have some broths on hand they go down pretty smooth. have some small cups on hand like the ones on the top of an elixer bottle as these are 1 oz and they make for easy measuring of food, liquid and easy clean up. have chap stick ready. i and others i know suffered severe chapped lips and dry skin so have your favorite lotion on hand as well.may sugar free popsicles too.wet wipes to help keep yourself clean if your just not up to a shower yet.and definetly enjoy some of your favorite foods just before as you will not be eating them for a while after.and some advice, you may be in pain at fist, the meds may make you a crazy wreck,you may think youll never be normal again. you may wonder what you did to yourself. trust me this is all normal but let me assure you it will pass and your ganna be amazed! give yourself a good three months to fully bounce back and to really see the new you emerging! best of luck to you.
   — carrie M.

October 9, 2002
For the hospital...TONGS...for reaching your tushie, wet wipes for cleanliness,your favorite lotion and lip balm, toiletries, neck pillow, slippers, robe, feminine hygene products(if your so inclined)and someone to push the morphine button while your sleeping!!!! HOME...Your favorite S.F. puddings and jellos,different kinds of allowable drinks(the ones I liked before I dispise now)cream soups, instant mashed potatoes, instant dry milk(to mix into everything for extra protein) S.F. carnation instant breakfast,popcicles and someone to keep you company!!!
   — Deanna_K

October 9, 2002
Bring Chapstick to the hospital.
   — Amber L.

October 9, 2002
In addition to the things mentioned below, I'd say have your house clean, laundry done and groceries (especially toilet paper) all bought and put where you can reach them easily. That way you don't have to run out to the store. Sugar free popsicles were great since I was always thirsty after surgery. I took a small fan with me to the hospital which was a good call. I was HOT after my surgery. In fact, the nurses tried to come take my fan because the other patients were hot and I said No Way! I wore my slippers I took with me but I didn't wear the robe I bought for myself. I was covered fine with my hospital gown. My hospital room only had a few channels on tv so I was bored. I had taken some magazines and a puzzle book with me. The hospital had a walkman I could use so the one I brought with me didn't get used once. Yes, do take chapstick with you. It was a life saver! I would suggest eating lightly at least the last 2 days so when you do your bowel prep, you're not getting rid of tons of food stuff! I ate lightly the last 5 days before my surgery and my bowel prep was a piece of cake. ;o) Good luck on your surgery!
   — Jennifer A.

October 9, 2002
Eat all you can now! Whatever you want and as much as you want. It never will be the same again. Then make sure you rent a hospital bed for a couple weeks after surgery. It will be one of the best things you can do for yourself if you have an open rny. Make sure you take a robe that fits you (duh? lol). The one at the hospital left my fanny flapping in the wind while I walked. I like to sleep with my bedroom slippers on so I took them. I took magazines to read. But one mistake I made was to try to save money by getting a semi private room. BIG MISTAKE I'LL NEVER MAKE AGAIN. Those bleeping room mates kept the tv on all day and night. I'm not kidding. It was NEVER off. For three days and nights I could'nt sleep. From now on I will ALWAYS get a PRIVATE ROOM. Read my profile for a WLS hospital stay from Hell. Also, I wish someone had mentioned getting a binder to put around my stomach. That would have made everything so much easier. I regret not having one. As far as what to eat when home well I bought tons of expensive juices... and I could'nt drink them as they were to sweet. What a waste of money. I was to be on a liquid diet for 7 days post op and I lived on ice pops. (Yeah there was "some" sugar in them but not much). I desired cold drinks and those ice pops went down great plus it was something to chew on. Oh and as far as the bowel prep... perhaps I was the only one that it was not required from. Lucky me. lol
   — Danmark

October 9, 2002
Good Luck on your surgery! Be sure to have childrens chewable vitamins w/ iron, chewable calcium tablets, I enjoy the carnation sugarfree choc. breakfast drink lactaid free milk, and flavor is what I wanted try KNORR soup french onion or leeks flavor (Strain) delicious! My hubby helped me the first 3 days home get up. After that I had a folding chair by the bed or chair to help me stand worked well.Remember to walk often daily you will recover faster, I have 5 children so I had to recover lol!Also monitor your temperature and wear your binder. If you start to leak don't panic its just liquid fat, it will heal up. Good Luck and God Bless You!if you need support after e-mail me at:[email protected] BETH
   — Elizabeth C.

October 10, 2002
One thing I'm glad that I did was NOT take a robe. I know a lot of people really liked having theirs there though. Instead, I asked for an extra hospital gown and wore it open in the front as a robe. The advantage being that with the snaps on the sleeves, I could easily wear it with the IV. The only other things I needed at the hospital were the tongs, chapstick, toothbrush and paste, slippers, and the company was nice. I took several books to read, but was unable to concentrate due to the pain meds. OH, yeah, take a flavor of sugar free gum that you like. My dr had me chewing gum a day before I could have anything to drink. I'm glad I brough my gum b/c the hospital only gave me bubblegum flavor which I hate. You'll be great friends with the mouth swabs that they give you to help keep your mouth from getting so dried out. Can't think of anything else to tell you. Good luck and God bless.
   — Jenni K.

October 10, 2002
My doctor doesn't allow gum, so you better check with your doc. Also, the mouth swab mad me nauseated. I wish I had brough a fan, because the compression stockings kept me so warm. The hospital provided a fan, but charged me 6.00 per day for the use. Definitely need chapstick.
   — juvpd

October 10, 2002
Alana... they are to use to use (with something wrapped on of course) to be able to reach around our fat fannies to be able to wipe ourselves after going to the bathroom. Thankfully I never used any... however I about broke my back trying to reach around my cheeks to clean myself! Thankfully it was no effort in just a mere two weeks post op! :)
   — Danmark

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