recovery time for tummy tuck and breast lift

my plastic surgeon wants to do a tummy tuck and a breast lift in 2 seperate surgeries. can you please tell me the recovery time for both operations? thanks    — ann6088 (posted on February 26, 2003)

February 26, 2003
I had mine done at the same time and my recovery period was apx. two weeks. I was off of pain meds the first week. I am now almost three months out and I still have swelling in my abdomen that gets worse towards the end of the day or when I have an especially busy day. I still have a lot of muscle soreness, especially if I cough or sneeze. My understanding is the breasts do not usually give much pain and you may only need to stay home a few days to a week with that if you have a sedentary job. I didn't have a lot of pain with my breasts, but even now occasionally I do get a quick twinge of pain.
   — Lisa N M.

February 26, 2003
Why two? This can easily be done together. I was back to work in 2 weeks (LBL and breast lift).
   — mom2jtx3

February 27, 2003
Yes, why 2 surgeries?? Maybe you ought to get a second opinion. It will be cheaper in the long run (if your self pay) to have it done at one time. Less OR charges, hospital charges, etc. I even got a discount on surgeon fees to do multiple surgeries at one time. I'm having an extended TT with lipo, breast lift and batwing removal all in one operation. I plan to be off work for up to 3 weeks but hoping for 2 weeks.
   — Kris T.

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