Should I stop losing weight and begin focusing on toning my body?

After having surgery just over a year ago, I lost almost 150 pounds. Right now I weigh 165-170, which is, to me, still overweight. But I wear a size 8 in clothes (although that doesn't make sense either. I like my body, for the most part, and don't want to get any smaller than a six. On the other hand, weighing 170 is a problem to me - it seems like I'm really fat. I feel like I should weigh about 135, but if I get to that weight, I probably won't have the curves I do now. So my question is, should I stop losing weight, tone up and get reconstructive surgery on my arms, breasts, tummy, butt and thighs, or should I keep on losing until I get to 135, although that most likely will make me look too skinny?    — Phoebe J. (posted on May 26, 2003)

May 26, 2003
Hi Phoebe, It seems you and I have the same body type that will weigh more but be smaller. Most people would never think I weighed 261 pre-op. During a few of my weight loss attempts in the past, I've gotten down to 170 and looked skinny by some people's standards, and wore a size 8-10 myself. It's just your muscle, bone density and the scale doesn't mean much. Me at 135, I look anorexic. If you look good and wear a size 8, I think toning is the answer. If you have the plastic surgery done, it will more than likely take off a few more pounds anyway. God bless you and all the best of luck. Sounds like you've done very well.
   — Happy I.

May 27, 2003
Phoebe, a 150 pound loss is fabulous! You say that you generally like your body, and I assume you feel good physically. If that's the case, don't get hung up on the number that the scale spits out to you. It is, after all, just a number. What's important is that you first feel good, and second look good. That means you are probably at the right weight for your build. If you weigh too little, just like if you weigh too much, you won't either feel good or look good. Listen to your body.
   — Vespa R.

May 27, 2003
Phoebe, I'm a little confused, but is there any reason you cannot do both? AS for losing weight, you don't have much choice in the matter. lol think you're body will stop losing when its ready, so you're probably going to continue losing for a few more months. The only way you'll stop losing (that is if you're body hasn't already decided to) is if you increase your caloric intake. Working out will help your body tone, and may put you at a plateau for a while, but you'll eventually lose more weight with that as well, all the while giving your body better tone and shape. I worked out atleast 3 times a week and am now surpassed my goal (I'm 5'2" and 125) and I still have curves. I got scared about that, too, but chances are if you have curves now, you still will later, they'll just be smaller! And if you cannot lose anymore weight but just work out, you'll still look great and probably be in a smaller size anyway since you'll lose inches, maybe then you'l feel better about your body? Goodluck to you :-)
   — Lezlie Y.

May 28, 2003
Unfortunately, toning will not get rid of fat...well, not directly anyway. As you increase muscle mass, you might find that you plateau for a bit...but in the end, pound for pound, muscle will use more calories than fat and you might find that you just keep losing until your body decides it's time to stop...which sounds pretty good to me about now - lol! Also remember that todays size 8, for the most part, is not the size 8 as it was 10+ years ago. In the end though, you may find that you will do better going by the mirror, not the scale. Best of luck!
   — eaamc

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