Anyone had an allergic reaction to sublingual B12?

I purchased my sublingual B12 today, and used it right away in my car. Within several minutes, my face felt (and looked) like a funace. My throat started closing up - I was having difficulty breathing. All this while driving! I pulled over to catch my breath. I have a twenty minute ride to work. When I got there, my co-workers asked me if I had been out in the sun, I looked so sunburned! I have taken B12 this way for months, but I had the same reaction about a month ago. I thought at the time that it was to something else. I need my B12...but now I'm afraid to take it. Any suggestions?    — Susan S. (posted on June 6, 2003)

June 6, 2003
while it is uncommon to have an allergic reactin to b12, it's not unheard of. If you experience any of the following after taking your b12 then you should contact your doctor immediately: reathing difficulty, fever, hives, rash, swelling of face, mouth, lips, throat, or tongue. Please be aware that allergic reactions DO get worse with use.
   — [Deactivated Member]

June 6, 2003
my throat didnt close up but my hands and face looked burned. The theory was it was the dye in the brand of drops I took. I started a different brand and have been fine, its worth a call to you Doc though
   — Laurie B.

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