body lift, arm skin reduction, breast lift, how much?

Have lost 120 lbs, 16 months post op, how much is plastic surgery to reduce skin and lift where needed. How long should i wait until I have it? Know any plastic surgeons in Arizona that you can recommend    — Laura K. (posted on April 11, 2004)

April 10, 2004
Most people will tell you that if you are within 20 pounds of goal (or at goal) and have stabilized in the weight loss, you are ready for plastics. As far as prices, that will vary from area to area. Hopefully you can get someone from Arizona to answer that part. Here is a link to some reviews of plastic surgeons in AZ: <p>
   — Ali M

April 11, 2004
Look for your Teaching Hospital, the one associated with the University. When checking PS and cost. Good luck on your new journey. Jane 03-04-03 256-146-140
   — Jane T.

April 11, 2004
Hi - There are a lot of variables when it comes to price. Will it all be done during one procedure and therefore one surgical/hospital visit which is by far the priciest part. I would think most good surgeons would insist on at least two surgeries since the body lift is so major, but the other two can be done together at a separate time Also, will you be needing lipo in the arms or in the abdomen or is it all just skin. Lipo can be costly and time consuming and drives the cost up. Do you want to have your stomach muscles tightened during the body lift? That will probably up the cost as well. There are a myriad of other variables and the best thing you can do is start shopping around. Plastic sugeons will look at you and give you a pretty accurate estimate on what the costs will be. Right now in the Valley of the Sun it is Breast and Tummy Tuck season, as one nurse told me, so the surgeons are quite busy, but there are loads of plastic surgeons in AZ. My doctor is Sean Lille in Scottsdale and I highly recommend him. He's outstanding and he genuinely cares in addition to being a first rate surgeon. By the way, I visited many surgeons before I found him and I'm currently getting ready for my fifth and final surgery which is why I'm so up on plastic surgery. Never in a million years did I think this would be an area where I would have any knowledge, but it's amazing where life takes you. Feel free to email me if you have any questions. Good luck to you!
   — Traci H.

April 11, 2004
Laura-First off, I have to DISAGREE with Jane. Don't go to a Teachng School or University. Here is why, I thought about that option too when I was denied for my Lower Body Lift. My LBL is costing me $13,600 from one of the BEST PS in the country. The Fellow's at NYU were charging $4800. I will tell you that there is no way I will let them operate on me NOW! My dtr said that Plastic Surgery is an ART, no mechinal like the Gastric Bypass. While he said I could go to a Resident for my gastric bypass, he did not want me going to a resident or fellow for plastic surgery. PS is all about Body Contouring. And, really an art form and I never really thought about that before. He also said that the Lower Body Lift which I want is a very complicated surgery and it involves flipping u over, cutting you all the way around and when we talked, I think I realized I wanted to go to someone that has done hundreds if not thousands, instead of 0-10 or less! Does that make sense. I rather spend the $13,600. Additionally, you wanty to go to a PS that has had EXTENSIVE experience with WLS patients. a PS may be good, but, unless he has worked on WLS patients, its a totally different ballgame. Good Luck! Mine is 30 day away, May 11th.
   — heathercross

April 11, 2004
Hi, I'm also in Az and Dr. Fang did my surgery. I found several PS in our area from this website. Some of which have accepted insurance. I have about 70 lbs to go before I make that consultation appointment. I can send you a link via email if you like. Good luck :)
   — Marie F.

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