B vits/pill vs shot vs liq

Has anyone ever tried organic B12? I have a friend that owns a naturals/organic shop and she has many vits. I don't know if I can swallow pills or not after this surgery? does anyone know?    — scrappenmom (posted on May 6, 2002)

May 6, 2002
Hi Darlene - most of what I've read here on previous posts about B12 is that post-ops should only take sublingual B12, which means "under the tongue" or something to that effect. My surgeon's pre-op education class also instructs us to take the sublingual B12. It is available in small cherry flavored tablets or in GNC and other places. Good luck - Anna p.s. I know I answered NOTHING about organic vits but I am assuming they are not available as sublingual???
   — Anna L.

May 6, 2002
You will eventually be able to swallow pills, if everything is "fine". But B12 is not likely to deliver that way, so the B12 sublinguals are better, until your bloodwork indicates that you need the shots. Some people do OK with a liquid sublingual. Just do those labs often & watch the pattern develop.
   — vitalady

October 14, 2002
I had just asked my doc which was better. I was told that they have sound the sub-lingual to be just as effective as the injection as long as you are on top of things and dont have a level that plumits. Thats good news because for some, insurance will not cover injections, and though they are not super expensive...who need additional expense ! Also the other one out there is in the form of a nasal spray. I was told it is no better than the sub-lingual and is MUCH more expensive.....Hope this helps someone....
   — Keniki B.

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