my left leg has limited mobility since my stroke,

I swim now and it is a excercise that does not hurt my hip and leg, but all this walking we are suppose to do, how do I keep the pain down, and right now if I walk, my left leg and hip hurt so bad, I know that once I lose my weight it may get better, but until then, what are some suggestions. Should I start swimming right away. Also, I have neoraphy in my feet, due to uncontrolled diabetes that I had a while back and my feet have so much pain when I walk. I have my sugery soon, 19 days, and is there anyone who is post-op with the same problems?    — cindy (posted on July 18, 2003)

July 18, 2003
Hi Cindy, with all the pain you have I see no reason for you to walk. Swimming is fine. The main reason for the exercise is to strengthen your heart and improve your breathing, both accomplished by swimming. You might also like to buy a spirometer, which is a device to improve your pulmonary function (you blow into it and make a little ball go up a tube). Costs about $15 and available at a medical supply company, or ask the doctor, hospital or pharmacist where you could buy one. I had a lot of foot and knee problems and could not walk any distance even after losing >50 lbs. I joined Curves about 2 months post-op and got a good cardio workout there. I wondered if my poor feet and knees would ever get better, but now that I'm down almost 150 lbs they finally are! I can even squat now! I just made that discovery this week. LOL I'm sure 2004 will find you, too, with much-improved mobility and health. Best wishes to you!!
   — Chris T.

July 18, 2003
Maybe you should consult with your physician? It sounds like you may benefit from a referral to a physical therapist or exercise physiologist to help design an exercise program appropriate for you. Good luck to you!
   — Linda 1.

July 20, 2003
Give yourself some time - you deserve it - take it slow and easy. The swimming is great for you! I also have neuropathy and horrible low back problems so walking is not an exercise option for me until I can get a good 100 lbs off. I have a friend that is a Physical Therapist and he told me to walk in the pool as well as swim. I walk the length of the pool as many times as I can for half an hour and I really think it is making a difference. The water supports most of my weight and it virtually non-impact so no knee pain! Good Luck and hang in there, better days ahead!
   — Deborah F.

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