I am 5 1/2 months Post-op but still have a hard time holding food down.

There are days I can eat chicken, beef of other pretty solid foods and later in the day or week I end up spitting them up or even vomiting them up. At a previous post-op Support group meeting, I was told by many of my peers that the same thing happend to them and they had to end up getting scoped. I have had this problem since 5 weeks post-op. I have lost weight pretty fast I believe. I am concerned I may have caused damage to myself by not inquiring into this earlier with my surgeon. Has anyone else had this problem? And if so what was your solution?? Missy 309.5/208/156    — Missy W. (posted on September 19, 2003)

September 19, 2003
Talk to your surgeon soon for your peers are probably right. I was nauseaus and it kept getting worse. I finally asked for an endoscopy and sure enough, I had a stricture in the opening going out to the intestine. They dialated it and I'm MUCH better now!
   — Gail G.

September 19, 2003
Hi I am now 7 ths post op nad I had the same problem for a while and had to be scoped, after that they found out that I had acid reflux causing me to throw up so now I take nexium and it has gotten so much better. I still on occasion have problems with some meats but for the most part I do pretty good now since being on my med so please call your surgeon and have him do a scope on you it does help out tremendously! Good Luck to You!
   — Melodee S.

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