has anyone experienced poor circulation after surgery?

I am 3 1/2 months post op. and about a month ago started having numbness and tingling in my hands and feet. Also when every time I stand up I get very light headed. I am taking all of my vitamins, drinking plenty of water and eating 4 meals a day of high protien. Just wondered if this is common? Thanks!    — jenae C. (posted on August 17, 1999)

August 17, 1999
You need to be seen by your doctor. This could be related to your blood pressure or possible your anemic. Don't just blow this off. Good Luck!
   — [Anonymous]

August 17, 1999
You may want to have your B12 checked. I have had this problem in the past and I have found that if I up my B Complex then it will slowly go away. But check with your physician, I have not had the surgery yet. This is just what I have found out from my experience.
   — Heather A.

August 27, 1999
I haven't experienced this but at 3 1/2 months its a good idea to have your blood work done again. Even though you are taking everything, doesn't mean that you may not need to adjust it a little. Your iron may be low and this will cause the dizzyness. I not sure about the numbness, but I would call your surgeon. Good luck and keep up posted.
   — bperrin

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