Pre-op appt tomorrow, and I have a cold.....

Hi, Wouldn't you know it? All three of my kids have runny noses, and I am starting to get that scratchy throat/tired feeling. So, I am sure that my white cell count will be somewhat elevated tomorrow morning when they do my pre-ops. I am scheduled for surgery on the 11th, and I really don't want them to reschedule (especially since my husband had to ask for time off weeks ago). Also, I have been on synthroid for years, and my doctor recently increased my dosage (about 2 months ago) will that be enough time for it to be straightened out? Please tell me I am obsessing about nothing, I am going crazy! Fondly,Kristi    — Kristi S. (posted on October 2, 2000)

October 2, 2000
Hi Kristi! I was in the same boat as you. I was 3 weeks away and planned to self-donate a pint of blood...just in case. I needed to do the donation at least a week prior to surgery. I started feeling yucky...sniffles, know the drill! I started really downing the vitamin c (in addition to the mulit-vitamin I was already taking),taking echinacia(sp?), drinking LOTS of fluids and getting plenty of rest. I'd check with your surgeon before taking anything this close to surgery. Better to be a little cautious! I'm also taking synthroid. It takes quite a while for your body to balance out with that stuff. Don't worry yourself too much, girl! When in doubt, always check with your surgeon. Blessings,
   — Michele A.

October 2, 2000
Kristi, I am also on synthriod and my doc said it only take 2 weeks of dosage to test to make sure you are at the right level. I kept forgetting to take my synthroid so my thyroid level was WAY off for surgery but my doc never said anything. Good luck
   — Paula G.

October 2, 2000
Kristi, when I went in for my pre-op I had just been moved to a higher dosage of Synthroid. I let them know that my TSH was elevated and that my dosage had just been doubled. Once they saw the TSH levels they had me move from .2 to .3 dosage until surgery.
   — Nanette T.

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