I am 3 1/2 months post op

I am almost 4 months post op and at the very end of my incision line above the belly button i have a spot that has been leaking blood then when it looks like it is drying up and healing it fills up with liquid and it hasn't healed over like the rest of the incision. It is acting almost like a blister does only it doesn't dry up and go away. Anyone have this or have any ideas on how to get it healed once and for all?    — [Anonymous] (posted on December 27, 2001)

December 26, 2001
It's probably a Seroma which is just a fluid collection under the skin and is no big deal. You may want to be on the safe side and get it cultured to make sure there's no staph infection, however. I had a staph infection which had no odor and seemed kind of like a blister. It's better to be safe than sorry but it's probably just a seroma. Good Luck To You!!
   — ronascott

December 27, 2001
When I had my first surgery, open rny, I had a seroma and leaking for 4 mos. The doctor opened up the blister and had me insert a long q tip into it. This kept the "tract" which is like a strip of highway under the incision. The fluid travels down the "tract" and collects in the bottom and forms a blister like. I had to keep the hole in the incision open until it became impossible to insert a q tip anymore. This took about 2 wks. Be diligent in keeping it clean and covered so that it doesn't get infected. I poured peroxide on it daily. If I were you I would ask my surgeon what to do because they all seem to have different ways to treat it. Is the fluid yellow and clear? Mine resembled liquid butter and never had an odor. It is an annoyance but is very common with abdominal incisions. Good luck!
   — Marilyn C.

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