Anyone try those Gumball Vitamins?

I am trying to decide which vitamins to take after surgery. Any recommendations? Has anyone tried those Gumball Vitamins??? Thanks Kiki    — sweetkiki (posted on August 3, 2003)

August 3, 2003
They are disgusting. I believe that rat pellets would taste better! The lady at my local GNC agreed that they are nasty...beware of product. May be hazardous to your health and taste buds! Good luck anyway!!
   — Angela P.

August 3, 2003
I agree they are not that good!! I grabbed one of my little sisters the other day figuring its gum it would be good. I was wrong it wasnt chewy like gum and it had this weird taste and a odd after taste. I say save your money!
   — Renee D.

August 3, 2003
My surgeon told me to stay away from gum of all kinds, due to the risk of swallowing and clogging the stoma.
   — Kimberly K.

August 3, 2003
Some were passed out at our monthly support meeting. Thank Goodness I didn't buy any! YUCK!!! I'm with the other posters....terrible tasting while chewing and after taste afterwards. I prefer the chewables. Good Luck!
   — Hazel S.

August 4, 2003
Before surgery, I tried several different kinds of chewable vitamins to get one I liked. I tried the gumballs, but they taste like vitamins smell (yuck), and the gum is hard and unpleasant in the mouth. I also realized the gumball didn't have iron, so I take the Rite-Aid store brand of children's chewables with iron. They're portable, they don't taste bad, and they're not chalky.
   — Vespa R.

August 4, 2003
Regardless of taste, they do NOT have any iron in them. If you take these or the gummi vites, you'll have to supplement with an acceptable iron source. Believe me, I took the vitaballs for 1 1/2 weeks and had the worst headaches until I figured out that it was the lack of iron causing them.
   — ctyst

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