Does anyone have difficulty concentrating?

I'm wondering if this is some type of vitamin defficiency. I went back to work about 4 weeks ago, and cannot seem to concentrate. It's getting VERY frustrating, and I'm not getting ANYTHING done! Please help if you can.    — Mary H. (posted on September 12, 2001)

September 12, 2001
Have you had your blood work done yet? Prior to surgery I had difficulty concentrating and was told to up my vitamin B intake. Good luck!
   — Kimberly L.

January 8, 2003
I had a long episode of this and add to it forgetfulness. I believe it is called "brain fog" because it can be brought on the anesthesia used in surgery and depending on the type of surgery you had, like me I was out almost 7 hrs. for my gastric bypass resectional and gal bladder removal. Anyway, in time it did clear up and now I feel better than ever that way.
   — Rita J.

January 8, 2003
HAve you had your thyroid checked? A symptom (all too familiar) of hypothyroidism is "brain fog" - inability to focus mentally, sometimes couldn't think of the right words or the wrong words came out when I was talking. Cleared up with proper medication.
   — koogy

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