Do you continue your blood pressure pills after surgery?

I was wondering because everyone is only allowed such little food does the meds get in your blood stream? I am on 3 meds for blood pressure and 2 for diabetes. Thats a meal in itsself    — Theresa B. (posted on October 13, 2001)

October 13, 2001
Hi, After surgery I was off my blood pressure medication completely. I had been on it for 3 years. My BMI before surgery was 62.7 almost 63. You will still be able to take any medications you need after surgery. But hopefully, you may decrease or even eliminate the medications once the weight loss begins and your doctor sees your blood pressure coming back to normal. Good luck and all my best wishes to you on your surgery.
   — Karen Renee

October 13, 2001
Hi. I am on a blood pressure medicine. I didn't take it the whole time I was in the hospital (7 days) and my pressure was fine. I did continue my meds when I left the hospital (hormone, BP and vitamin). Is there any way you can space out taking your medicine. I know that when I take my pills in the morning that it takes me almost an hour to get three pills down because I can't just take a pill and then gulp juice. I hope you can find a workable solution. Good luck!
   — Jennifer H.

October 13, 2001
I was off B/P completely when I left the hospiatl. I think Iwas given something via intraveinisly(sp) to get me thru. Pulminary Dr. said I could start taking them again, an I refused because he had not discussed it with the surgeon. I was terrified to take tha big pill. They kept a eye on me, I did fine, and have been off for a month.They aslo say that pain meds and such can keep it low/normal. Dont be afarid to ask them.. good luck.
   — Marie A.

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