What is this feeling?

I feel on edge. I cant sleep because of this. I know i dont get enough protein and water but im still tring to figure out how to do this. Im 7 days post op. Is this anxiety? Or something else. what does it feel like to be dehydrated? Or if something is wrong because your not getting enough protein?    — Deanna B. (posted on April 3, 2002)

April 2, 2002
This is a very normal reaction to Anesthesia. I've "been under" 9 times now, over the years, and have had that experience every time. The Anesthesia does really strange things to your body and it takes a few weeks to "get it out of your system". (Open VBG 10 months ago - and 137 lbs LOST FOREVER!!!)
   — Cathy J.

April 2, 2002
It just made me think of my friend who's main complaint was anxiety and her thyroid was off. Might want to talk to your doc. Good Luck!
   — ZZ S.

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