Why would the weatherman tell his audience to cut back on protein intake.....

during the extreme heat? He was giving us warnings to take extra care of our animals, etc. and said "By the way, you may want to dress in light colored clothing, eat light and especially take in less protein during the exteme hot weather because........" and then I didn't hear the rest. but why would that be? Of course, I would say that doesn't apply to us wls folks. But I'm still wondering.....    — Annie H. (posted on June 6, 2002)

June 6, 2002
You could probably call the station and they can answer what the rest of that sentence was...My guess is that it has something to do with the potential for dehydration in the heat along with the metabolism of protein in the kidneys. I am not a doctor, but my guess if you are adequetely hydrated there should be no problem continuing with taking in the prescribed amount of protein. Best wishes...if you find out the answer, please let me know, too. Thanks!
   — Ann B.

June 6, 2002
I am an LPN, and though I'm not a doctor, I think a good guess would be the increased risk for kidney stones during the hot weather. Drinking adequate fluids is probably the best way to avoid this.
   — Kimberley E.

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