I am getting dizzy. Was hospitalized last weekend...

My gastoenterologist was called from the ER (I had an appt with him that day and when in the shower in the morning got really dizzy, the room started spinning, my heart started pounding, my chest felt tight, i couldn't breathe). My hemocrit lvls in the er was 22 (35 is average) so they said I was anemic (already knew that). I got hospitalized and put on an IV. I was given an endoscopy and my pouch looked great the doc said. (he thought perhaps I had a bleeding ulcer) I was given 2 blood transfusions over night and my hemocrit lvls dropped down to 20. He gave me a colonoscopy (he thought perhaps something in my colon was causing my dark stools) but that came up clean too. He had them give me a special blood test where they radiate part of your blood and watch it move through your body with xrays. That showed no active internal bleeding anywhere. I then was given 3 more blood transfusions and finally my hemocrit lvls went up to 28, then dropped to 25, they pulled the iv out and then it went up to 27. I've been out of the hospital for 3 days now and now my dizziness is back. I was fine up until yesterday. At first I thought it was a reaction to the salad dressing I put on my salad I had for lunch. But I felt jittery all night long and could barely sleep. I don't want to be hospitalized again. I'm trying to make an appt with my PCP but I'm starting to get really worried. I've only been averaging about 50 ounces of water a day. I'm trying my best to up that but it's hard at times. Ideas anyone?    — Renee V. (posted on July 25, 2002)

July 26, 2002
Renee, I am still a pre op, but I do know that I get the same kind of symptoms when I don't get enough water. That may be the problem here. Try adding frozen SF popsicles or slushies to your day.. See if increasing your water intake will help. Good Luck and I hope you feel better soon Tam
   — Tami D.

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