I found the BEST protein bar!!!!

OK, I am sometimes not in the mainstream of things but I found this FANTASTIC protein bar at Wal-Mart yesterday and I wantd to shar it with ya'll. All the others taste like carboard with flavor to me but this is to GOOD! It's called OneSource Multivitamin/Multimineral snack and enery bar. Here's the stats: Fat 7gms,Carbos 22gms, Protein 15gms. The flavor I got is called Caramel Nut Delight. OK thats all, wanted to share my find with ya'll. God Bless :)    — Gina D. (posted on September 10, 2002)

September 10, 2002
Thanks for sharing. How much sugar is in it?
   — ZZ S.

September 10, 2002
Yea, thanks for the info. I have a surgery date and have begun thinking about what I can eat "on the other side". I am always in Wal-Mart so I will try those bars even before my surgery to see if they are to my liking. I would like to know how much sugar is in them too. Thanks!
   — wemax2

September 10, 2002
Yeah, I too would like to know the sugar amount. (Personally I like to stay under 12 grams). But I'd like something with a higher (closer to 30) protein count. But I would like to try this bar.... however the things are usually way to expensive. ;)
   — Danmark

September 11, 2002
Hi, sorry I left the sugar content out....15gms. Hope that helps :)
   — Gina D.

September 12, 2002
Just FYI, all carb that you eat turns to sugar when you digest it. So when reading food labels, look at Total Carbs, not sugars.
   — Dana S.

September 12, 2002
Typically, bars advertised as "energy" bars are going to be too high in carbs for us post-ops. I like the Carb Solutions bars - 8g of fat, 2g of carbs and 22g of protein. 240 calories per bar (and I only eat 1/2 as a meal replacement). It doesn't taste like candy, but guys and gals, this is a protein bar - not candy, so they are not going to taste like candy.
   — John Rushton

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