Is a stool softener necessary?

I am one week post op and my doctor ordered a liquid stool softener for me to take twice daily for 10 days. It tastes so bad that I can hardly get it down. Each dose is 1 tablespoon so even when I mix it with juice, etc., it makes a terribly bitter taste. I am wondering, since I am on only liquids, if it is really necessary to take it.    — Marsha W. (posted on December 26, 2002)

December 26, 2002
If I was you I would. I wish I knew then what I know now. I didn't take one until after I had the worst case of constipation that I'd ever experience. I thought I was going to die. I had to have an enima in order to go the first time. DON'T LET THIS HAPPEN TO YOU!!! It was not pretty. Ask him if he would prescribe a solid stool softener. They are small enough to swallow with no problems. Have a bleseed journey.
   — Dortheria B.

December 26, 2002
Without knowing how much intestine was bypassed anyone would be a fool to recommend you go against your doctors orders. If you've been bypassed distally then you may really REALLY need this to keep you regular. Or he may have experienced a few patience who've had a bad time of it post-op and is doing this as a precaution...either way, I'd take it until you can discuss it with him.
   — [Deactivated Member]

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