What to be eating after 18 months

I am not sure what I should be eating now that it has been 18 months since my surgery. I have noticed that in the last month I have gained 4 pounds and I am freaking out about it. I don't know if I am not getting enough protein or too many carbs. Someone please HELP!!    — HotMamaDBA (posted on April 29, 2003)

April 29, 2003
What works for me is to not eat any white sugar or white flour products. To lose the weight that I've gained, I do a couple of days of protein only (not just shakes, any type of high protein, low carb food). This puts me back on track.
   — mom2jtx3

April 29, 2003
Try tracking what you're eating on so you can really tell what your intake is in terms of calories and protein, carb, and fat grams. With that information, you can start adjusting whatever you need to (probably protein up, carb down, but who knows by how much without more info). And I agree with the previous poster that a couple of days of "high protein" intake (I use shakes, not just protein food) will also help you detox from carbs and/or sugars, if those are your problem areas. But you may need to do more than detox, and actually figure out how to adjust your eating habits at bit to stay stable. Then, there's always the "e" word (exercise!). Maybe adding or changing that would help, too. Kudos to you for grabbing the bull by the horns at just four pounds up -- very smart to tackle the problem right away!!!
   — Suzy C.

April 29, 2003
Stephanie - I recommend you join the Yahoo Group for graduates, or another WLS support group for people further post-op (just search through the Yahoo Groups for WLS). The link for the Graduates group is Good Luck and try not to panic! - Anna LAP RNY 7/3/02 -123lbs.
   — Anna L.

April 29, 2003
STephanie- don't panic yet! I do hear all the time that after a person hits their goal, their body eventually adjusts and gains some weight, like 5-10 lbs. This has happened to many people, so this could be what's happening to you. If it gets to be more than that, then it is not your body adjusting. Do you measure your food? I know it can be a hassle to some, but I measure everything I eat, therefore I know I'm not eating too large of quantities. You may want to cut back on carbs for a few days and see if that is the culprit. Or you can go on a liquid diet again for a week and kind of reset everything. My profile has some sample foods that I eat at a year post-op. Goodluck to you!
   — Lezlie Y.

April 29, 2003
Read This Good Lux
   — Robert L.

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