If you had to have counseling BEFORE WLS(long)

I have been going and am wondering how common this it pre-op..BCBS denied me because my first Psych Dr. added in her report that I "need it", after telling me verbally that everything went well. I disagree that I need it, but how do you argue and win in this situation. Deep down inside I feel as if I am doing nothing but wasting precious time the longer this goes on. Now I have to keep a food diary for a month and he said he couldn't promise me that the counseling would not go on past the next appt...I have already been 3 times. Also, My Psych Doc keeps mentioning how he has a friend who has had WLS and how he is going through a hard time and tells him this is alot harder than he thought it would be-I KNOW its not going to be a cake-walk, I am commited to making it work because I want my health back! I'm NOT his "friend" so how can he compare me to him? In the past I have gone to a Bariatric clinic and took pills and lost 30 lbs-but had to stop going when the pills started making my heart palpitate, and you guessed it, I gained all of the weight back plus some. I shared this with him and He said "there's the problem right there", I said "What"? And he said you *CHOSE* to stop going and you gained all the weight back..HELLO??? What about the heart palpitations?? I HAD NO CHOICE but to stop going...I wanted to argue him down on this point but that wouldn't have helped me, so I am failing to see where this is doing me alot of good...can anyone else relate?    — doit 2. (posted on June 27, 2003)

June 27, 2003
i suggest you get a new dr asap. i have not many run ins with psychs, but when i was going to some when i was younger, i learned this. doctors are people. some you like, some you dont and some are jerks. i would suggest you try and apply/look for a new doctor.
   — Mr. K

June 27, 2003
I agree - you need to select a different doc. This provider seems biased against obesity in general, but also because he is not being objective, using his personal feelings about his friend get in the way. Now you may need the counseling - or you may not - but either way, not from this psych provider.
   — bethybb

June 27, 2003
I am the original poster, I neglected to add, that EVERY method of weightloss/diets that I mentioned to him(and there have been many)-he said I CHOSE to stop which makes him wonder IF I can stick to something long term...this doesn't make any sense to me because IF we were able to stick with a diet long term-NONE OF US would be MO!
   — doit 2.

June 27, 2003
As part of my overall plan I started counseling to help with food issues. My therapist was initially against this because of the same issues and the fact that5 the first surgery had failed. I explained my plan in a calm and rational but I was determined to do this and I needed her help. We are working together now. If this doesn't help Take care of you.
   — snicklefritz

June 27, 2003
That's because he is treating you as if yuo have a mental disorder, an eating disorder. Some do, but only about 10% (same as the general public, but the others do not WEAR the symptoms). This time, you will be treating it as a physical disease, which is correct, and that's why your outcome will change. If I was mentally ill, as thought, I would either have outeaten my surgery by now OR, because it is a radical distal, I would have died from the severity of it. Is it odd that I maintain a normal weight without swinging too far in either direction? Does it mean I have cast iron character? (HAHA) Noooooooo, it means that the enemy is identified (physical) so I'm facing the right direction to keep him at a distance. Once we take our disease out of the mental arena & put it into the physical one, it's a lot easie to face the changes we must. At least NOW, the changes result in a changed future. At the ASBS conf, I had an interesting chat with a salesman when I wanted to see the non-transecting stapler. (it was in a box, not on display). He said why, no one uses them. I was interested in his take on SLD, having had one myself. He explained that backpressure builds up in the lower stomach, because the gastric juices d ono flow normally at all times. Ergo, the staples disrupt from the bottom up. I KNEW we didn't out eat it, but not sure why the staples distrupt in about 98% of us, and a few remain intact. That explains it perfectly. The "blame" for SLD is entirely mechanical. Much like having a flat tire. HOWEVER, it sounds as if yur psych would blame you for going down that road & therefore, A HA!! it IS your fault you had a flat
   — vitalady

June 28, 2003
Get another psych immediately. This guy has some PROBLEMS!!! If you find a good one, suggest the old one start counseling right away! Ha, ha!! This guy is doing mental guerilla warfare with words against you, at a time when you are especially vulnerable. The very fact that he is concentrating on a word to use against you is very indicative of a considerable set of issues he has. Please do not waste any more time or money on this person, he is definitely not worth it. There has to be a reputable person who is knowledgeable about wls available to you. The very fact that he is contributing to further emotional distress by what he does and then you are paying him to do it is a type of power play this psych seems to have. Be good to yourself, go somewhere else. Good Luck. (9/2001, -150.5 lbs/146 lbs)
   — Karen M.

June 28, 2003
Find a new shrink. Sounds like he is doing everything in his power to stop you from having it. Call your surgon and see if he/she can recommend a wls frendly surgon. Sounds like the shrink needs to see one himself (LOL) Good luck!!
   — mellyhudel

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