Is using soy based protein a no-no if taking Synthroid for hypothyroidism?

I am 7 mos post-op and was wondering if there is a problem using soy based products in conjunction with thyroid medications? My doctor and nutritionist didn't know and didn't advise either way. Anyone out there have an answer? Thanks!    — Nancy W. (posted on June 30, 2003)

June 30, 2003
a quick phone call to your pharmacist should glean you a godd answer :>)
   — [Deactivated Member]

June 30, 2003
I remember being told by my endocrinologist to avoid an overabundance of soy. Soy binds with thyroid hormone. I take Levoxyl (a synthetic thyroid hormone, like Synthroid) so I try to avoid soy products as much as possible. However, if you check lables on food products, just about everything has some soy, in some form, added! (That is why I stick with whey protein products.) Eating a lot of soy while taking thyroid hormones can cause some people to experience hypothyroid symptoms after awhile.
   — koogy

June 30, 2003
Soy is not good for those with hypothyroid, whether on meds or not. It is goitrogenic, which means it suppresses the thyroid.
   — Maria N.

June 30, 2003
I had to stop eating soy because it was making me take MORE synthroid... when I don't eat soy, I can get away with .05mcg. When I eat soy, I have to take .2mcg. I'd rather forget the soy and take less medication! SO... if it walks, swims or flies, it goes in my tummy first! LOL! Also, soy does have a lot of plant hormones in it... my pcp told me that was what was messing with me! Plant hormones... go figure! :~)
   — Sharon M. B.

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