I have Blue Cross, Blue Shield of Fl Health Options.

I am so afraid I am going to get a denial. Can anyone telll me their experience with them?    — tipdawg1 (posted on November 4, 1999)

November 5, 1999
Tiffany, when you find out will you let me know, I have the same insurance. Thanks, Gayle Orlando
   — Gayle G.

November 5, 1999
I am in the same situation. Please let me know anything you know about BCBS. But after all I read I think They will approve if it is medically necessary, Good luck !
   — teresara

January 31, 2000
I have the BC/BS FL Health Options plan. So far I have been approved with the consultation for my surgeon & my psych evaluation,which is in 2 days. I think alot depends on your PCP as well as the staff your surgeon has. I have had help from alot of supportive people. If the surgery is medically necessary,you shouldn't have a problem. Best of luck to you! .
   — melmas

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