Does anyone know of a doctor in Florida who will give a referral?

I went to my PCP today, to get an approval for surgery. Last month he told me he would, and now he wants me to wait 2 months. And of course he put me on yet another diet. I am so discouraged. I know that WLS isn't a quick fix, but a tool. Does anyone know of a PCP in Florida that might give me an approval?    — JazzBear111 (posted on August 10, 2000)

August 18, 2000
Where do you live in Florida? I know of many doctors and surgeons who are WLS frendly. Depends on the type of insurance you have, too.
   — Fran B.

October 1, 2000
If your in the Fort Lauderdale area, Broward County Dr. Janet Robinson at Holy Cross Group. She advise me to have WLS with DR. Marema.
   — DENISE S.

October 1, 2000
hi, dr.l. lambert at holy cross med. group in ft. lauderdale, dr. marema was my surgeon. i got a referal on my first to her. good luck! annette
   — annette C.

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