
I am on puree food for 8 weeks, food is going down ok only if I REMEMBER TO EAT S L O W, but truthfully how do you eat 2-3 oz of puree food slow????? Also I am taking 2 multivitiman (chewable) 1-B12, and drinking 2-1 cup PRO-BLEND55 mixed with water everyday to get in my protein.(after second day of protien drink with skimilk and I had diarrhea severly I found possiable lactose,so I switch to water to mix the protien) However I just feel very tired or weak still. example I went to get my nails done yesterday. I have a slipt level so I havent been down the step until then. and for me to walk about 20feet to car and get in OH MY GOSH, I was totally wiped out. Went ahead and got nails done, came home and had a really bad headache had to take pain med and lay down on the couch I was totally wiped out. (getting in and out of the car was not pleasant either the pain in my stomach) This mornong I was going to go for a walk outside once I got my shower and dressed, wiped out again, I waited alittle while 1-2 hr than I went down and had mom to help put my shoes on and I was wiped out again. mom said maybe I need to wait until I am little strong. How much longer is it going to take to get stronger?????. I see alot of people here that bounce back soon . Whats wrong with me. I do go back to the Dr friday to have my staples removed, just wondering if any of you felt this way. Thanks>>>LOL Jay Biller    — jay B. (posted on January 24, 2001)

January 24, 2001
only 10 days post op of course your going to be feeling tired remember this was major surgery and your body has gone into a shock way at 10 days out would I have gone to get my nails done so quit being hard on your self this is a time to rest But get up and walk that is a must and then come home and sleep slowly your energy will return and once the staples are out everything will be easier good luck don't push your self or judge yourself by others progress Kathy Open RNY distal 11-1-00 -51 lbs
   — Kathleen M.

January 24, 2001
Don't push yourself into what other can or say they can do. Your body is telling you to take it easy so listen to it. I am 8 wks postop and have really just started to feel a little more energetic. I remember not 3 wks ago it was a big deal to take a shower and washing my hair was so exhausting! Now, I am feeling so much better but I did not push myself. It is good to try to get out every couple of days but try to pace your activities so you don't do too much. Look at this as a time for yourself and be good to yourself. I found out that I have low iron right now so there was a reason for my low energy. Your body heals as you sleep and your immune system is recharging then so don't feel guilty by taking a nap each day. Good luck and hang in there. It gets so much better in time!
   — Marilyn C.

January 24, 2001
Jay...thank you for asking this question...I'm 10 days post op also and I have gone back to work(I had LAP RNY) but I get home and I just go to energy...I hope I get some soon.
   — Debora H.

January 24, 2001
Hi Jay =;) Please be patient with yourself. You have had recent, major surgery. Listen to what your body is telling you. If you are Sleep is nature's healing tool. Hugs...Sharon in Arizona
   — Sharon M.

January 24, 2001
I went to my 1st support group tonight and learned a lot. I am 16 days post-op (RNY proximal). I thought we were to get 45 grams of protein/day, but found out that's just the minimum, it's supposed to be 64 grams and for men it's even more (like 80 grams). Maybe upping your protein intake will help somewhat. Sleep IS the best medicine. I walked too long today and came home and slept the remainder of the day. I don't know how I'm going to make it when I have to go back to work full time on Feb. 1. Good luck and I hope you feel energized soon!
   — Betty Todd

January 24, 2001
Rest! You are only 10 days post op. I am now almost a month post op and am still tired ...not as tired as I was at 10 days but every day I can do a little more and stay up a little later. I agree upping your protein some may help also.
   — Lisa B.

January 24, 2001
I felt like this for nearly 12 weeks. I couldn't even think of getting out of the house at 10 days post-op unless someone was taking me to the dr. for a check-up. You aren't driving are you? I was forbidden to drive for 6 weeks. Get as much rest as you can and try not to do too much too soon. Your body needs time to heal. Best wishes.
   — [Deactivated Member]

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