Can vomiting rupture my staples?

I am two weeks post-op (Open RNY) and have had two incidents with food that didn't agree with me and I vomited. It was so painful and my stomach was sore for hours afterward. Can this pop my staples? How could I tell if I do?    — Poppy W. (posted on January 25, 2001)

January 27, 2001
I think Barb's reply pretty much says it all, But just thought you would like to know - I don't have a staple line. I'm completely transected (well, my stomach and pouch is) But after an episode of vomiting (It's happened only 3 times in 2 1/2 months) I too felt a lot of pain in my tummy for the rest of the day. So, your pain is probably normal, if you are too concerned, call you Dr. for some reassuraces
   — Patti S.

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