What exactly is a Comorbidity?

I have seen tis word used several times but I am not sure what it means...what are comorbidities?    — Dottie W. (posted on March 20, 2001)

March 20, 2001
Just for examples, My comorbidities are: Severe lower back pain, Knee pain, hip pain,joint pain, acid reflux, shortness of breath, major depression past 10 years, strong family history of hypertension. Just a few for you... :) Renee Donalson
   — Renee D.

August 20, 2001
Here is another list of co-morbidities you can look through. The ones with ??? are ones I am not sure what they are, but people have used successfully. I am still researching those and others to add to this list: Diabetes; Neuropathy in feet, ankles, hands and lower arms (or wherever you have it); Hypertension; Family history of heart disease; Family history of stroke; Family history of Diabetes: Family history of heart attacks; Family history of (fill in blank); Thickened heart walls due to weight/hypertension; Idiopathic intracranial hypertension (same as psudeotumor cerebra, right?); Migraines/Headaches Symptomatic ventral hernia; Congestive Heart failure and cardiomyopathy; Heart Attack; Bells Palsy; CPAP(???); Stroke; Cardiac Arrhythmias; Cardiovascular disease; Ocular Hypertension; High Cholesterol (hypercholesteralemia); Elevated Triglycerides; Hypothyroidism; Excess Testosterone; Excess Estrogen; Excess Facial & Body Hair (Hirsutism); Acne; Rashes, Chronic Skin Infections, Excess Sweating, frequent yeast infections; Hormonal Abnormalities; Infertility; Polycystic Ovaries; Dysfunctional uterine bleeding; Amenorrhea related to obesity; Incontinence related to obesity; Lower Back Pain; Ankle/knees swelling; Heel spur surgeries; Knee surgeries; Osteoarthritis; Shortness of breath upon exertion; Decreased Exercise Tolerance; Hip pain; Gout; Venous stasis disease; Chronic leg pain; Degenerative Joint disease; Recommendation from an orthopedist for joint replacement; Accelerated Degenerative Joint Disease; Heavy Snoring; Sleep apnea; Acid Reflux; GERD; Lack of Self Esteem; Social Rejection; Loss of Job Potential; Inappropriate Coping Strategies; Anxiety; Severe Depression; Gall Bladder removed; Gall Stones; Repeated pneumonia or pleurisy; Lung Restriction; Renal Failure; End stage renal disease with difficulty dialyzing; Hernias; Hiatial Hernia; Fatigue; Fluid retention; Increased risk of certain cancers; Fibromyalgia (chronic fatigue syndrome??); Hyperlipidemia; Extremity edema with ulceration; Dyslipidemia; Dyspnea; Eating Disorder; Fatty Liver; SOB???; DJD???;
   — Sharon H.

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