I have been throwing up everyday for the past month.

Food gets stuck in my throat or my esophogus. i can only swallow things that are smothered in gravy, and i can eat top ramen. i cannot swallow any meat at all not even when it is pureed. PLEASE HELP ME figure out what i am doing wrong. after one bite i throw up!! thank you all!!!!!    — Dawnya W. (posted on July 9, 2001)

July 9, 2001
Hi Dawnya, I had a similar thing happen, and called my Surgeon's office. Come to find out, my opening was tightening and they used an endoscope to balloon it open. Please call your doctor. By the way, the scope part DOES NOT HURT. Good Luck, Karan
   — chance2lv

July 9, 2001
Hi Dawnya, This is Toni from our lunch group.I just wanted let you know I was thinking of you and I hope the Dr solves your problem quickly. Take Care, Hope to see you at the next lunch.
   — toni D.

July 9, 2001
I see that other people told you to contact your doctor, which is very good advice. But when I was only a few months out, I all of a sudden had a TERRIBLE period of time when I could not eat any meat at all, everything made me want to vomit it up, and I was perfectly miserable for weeks on end. Finally, somehow, it just got better. Sometimes certain foods in the beginning that don't work will work later for you. But you should definitely check with your doctor on this.
   — Beth B.

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