Do I need to write a letter authorizing my parents to seek medical care for my son?

I am the sole custodial parent of my 7 year old son Ryan. My parents will take care of my son next week when I am in the hospital for WLS. Do I need to write a letter authorizing my parents to seek medical care for my son if needed. What should the letter say? Does it need to be noterized? Thank you, Julie Miller    — Julie M. (posted on August 1, 2001)

August 1, 2001
A notarized letter authorizing one or both of your parents to make medical decsions for your son for a specified period of time makes sense and would certainly avoid much confusion and delay of treatment if an emergency should arise while you are in the hospital. Good thinking!
   — [Anonymous]

August 1, 2001
I totally agree with the last poster- you will be avoiding any headaches by doing the leg work prior! Good luck with your WLS. I hope the best for you :-) take care...
   — [Anonymous]

August 1, 2001
Julie, I agree with both posters below--the notarized letter would be the way to go. Also, be sure that your parents have an insurance card for your son--if for some reason you can't give up the card (i.e.--it's the only one you have), be sure to photocopy both the front and the back and give this to your parents. Good luck!!!!!!
   — Sharon N.

August 1, 2001
Julie, Yes you do need to write a letter stating that they can obtain medical treatment for your son. It is not really necessary that it is notorized but can't hurt. My brother used to do this all the time when I was watching his kids and he was out of town. You should have his Birth Certificate, Shot records and any other medical information that may be needed. Such as what he is allergic to ect. Also make sure that you date this for the time that they will be taking care of him. Do not leave it open ended, if they have him longer than you anticipate you can always do another letter. Hopes this helps.
   — Sue72694

August 1, 2001
Hi Julie, You need to things in the letter. One, you need to write that you are giving whoever permission to seek medical treatment, then you need to give authorization for any medical personnel to treat your child medically. Most people forget to include the 2nd part. I always leave this info. if for any reason my children are not in my or my husbands care. You're just covering all options incase something happens.
   — Linda M.

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