Has anyone else had to get a second opinion?

i have spent the last 5 months doing EVERYTHING i was told to do to have this surgery. i have a BMI of 77 with a weight of 462 lbs. i have no heart problems and have been cleared for surgery by cardo dr., gast dr, psych dr. and nutrionist\ i finally got to the point of my surgeon filing for insurance and they want me to get a 2nd opinion from another dr. (dr. murr) in Tampa. WHAT IS UP WITH THAT! at first dr. murr said no, she is not my patient.....but the director of the approval committe CALLED dr. murr and asked him to do him this favor? HUH........... any insight into what might be happening is hugely appreciated. what could this mean?    — Tica G. (posted on January 17, 2002)

December 16, 2002
Do you have any co-morbidities? Did you ask the insurance committee? When your dealing with insurance-you just never know. Sorry - it can be so frustrating sometimes.
   — Laurie F.

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