I need to choose which type of surgery to have

My surgery is in less than two weeks (Jan 27). Yesterday the Dr. said he would do either a larproscopic or open procedure but the choice would be mine (unless there were complications once he was in there!). With the lap he does not remove the gallbladder, does not remove appendix, and does not cut the vegas. But the recovery is easier and there seem to be less wound complications. But I would like to have the gallbladder, appendix and vegas delt with. Anyone have an oppinion?    — Diane B. (posted on January 15, 2003)

January 15, 2003
In my opinion, why remove anything more than necessary? As long as the pre-op testing and ultrasound of your gallbladder is okay, I'd go for the lap surgery. Lap people generally have a much lower risk of hernias and infections. I've never heard of WLS removing appendix? Best of luck to you, whatever you decide :) - Anna LAP RNY 7/3/02 -104lbs.
   — Anna L.

January 15, 2003
I was not a candidate for the lap (two prior c-sections) and I was very fortunate that my recovery from my Open RNY was very good. I agree, it you don't need your gallbladder... removed, leave it there. How many lap procedures has your surgeon done? If he is skilled at it, I would go the lap route. Good luck on your 12 day countdown!
   — Dana B.

January 15, 2003
Why can't he take out your gallbladder if he does lap? They do that all the time. If you don't have gallbladdetr trouble now, you will when you start losing all that weight rapidly. I think you will end up getting it out in the long run anyway.
   — Kim N.

January 15, 2003
Unless the gallbladder, appendix needs to come out now, definitely have lap. Lot less scaring, easier recovery, lot less chance of developing hernias after surgery....
   — Cindy R.

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