I am 15 months out and had and adhesion and had to have a bowel resection.

The doc also took out my gallbladder at that time. Well 2 weeks later back in the hospital for another abcess. Got out and 2 weeks later back in for another abcess. This time they decided to open me up and wash me out when they found 4 more abcess's. Finally home from the hospital today. Has this happened to others and is this commom? Hopefully they got it all this time but I am so afraid of getting another abcess.    — Gary H. (posted on September 24, 2003)

September 24, 2003
I'm pre-op so can't give any advice just here to say sorry to hear you are having so many problems. Haven't heard of this often. It sounds like they finally have taken ahold of your problem and hopefully solved it. Try to keep positive and take care of yourself. Good Luck with your recovery. Will send a prayer up for you today. hUGS, HUGS and more HUGS!
   — Deborah F.

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